Josh's Coding Portfolio

About Me

Hello World! My name is Joshua and I'm a full-stack developer that specializes in MERN stack. A full-stack developer works on three major components of a web application: the frontend, backend, and database. The frontend is the visual part of a web application. When you navigate to YouTube, Wikipedia, Google, or any other site, what do you see? The frontend. The backend of a website is the part that you don't see. For example, when you login to a Google account and enter a password, Google checks if the password is correct. Are you able to locate where the comparison is being made on the sign-in page? No, hence BACKend. The database stores and organizes the information involving a web application. Your Google password must be stored somewhere after all.

MERN is an acronym for MongoDB, Express, React, and Node. MongoDB is a noSQL database. Node and Express enable a JavaScript application to have a backend. React is a JavaScript library. JavaScript is a popular programming language utilized for web development.

Each image below is a link. Click on an image to see either a GitHub repository (w/ codebase) or a certificate. Most of my repositories contain a link to the corresponding website that I created.

Personal Projects

Portfolio w/ Backend




Weather Fetcher


Test Maker


Employee Tracker


Todo List






Find the Gold

Java: GUI


Full Stack Web Development

Azure Fundamentals (Cloud)

Object-Oriented Programming (Java)

Contact Me

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